Monday, November 17, 2008

it's early. I'm up doing research and planning for my final project. I am attempting to make a game using the recently learned programming language called Python. We'll see how it goes. Python is an object-oriented scripting language that's easy to learn. If you ever think you want to learn programming, Python is a good place to start.

Monday, November 10, 2008

hey everyone. i've been busy and completely neglected this blog for my academic blog. Check it out. I think it might be interesting.


I plan on posting more of my journal thoughts here, since my instructor told me I should. I'll post something else soon. For now, enjoy exploring my Cyclops blog linked above.


Thursday, May 8, 2008


At the beginning of april i took a job rigging for fuerzabruta. So now that I'm back from Mexico (another post) I've been doing this for close to three weeks. As a rigger I assist in setting up the show and securing safety devices, belaying the principal performers, primary rigging and assembly of props during the show and disassembly afterward. It is very hard work (which I like), very rewarding and incredibly fun. The crew I work with is great and the performers are top notch. I'm very lucky. Now if I could go ahead and be accepted at Parsons my next two years will be set. Then perhaps I'll have free time to do some climbing in the Gunks.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

first post

this is my customary first post. thanks so much for reading.